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Urban planning - Pubblic spaces

Riordino della Toponomastica e della Numerazione Civica Comune di Corbara (SA)


City of Corbara (Salerno)     2017 - 2018

Commissioning body:          City of Corbara (Salerno- Italy)  

Position:                                 Architect (within a project team)                                                  

L'analisi del territorio ha fatto emergere una carenza di numeri civici sul territorio comunale pari al 50% e ha costituito il punto di partenza per il lavoro. I dati raccolti in campo sono stati informatizzati, geo-referenziati ed integrato nei processi e procedimenti amministrativi dell’Ente.

Nella conseguente fase di progetto sono state corrette alcune denominazioni stradali, assegnate le nuove denominazioni, nonché verificata e completata la numerazione civica correggendo le anomalie. 

Il progetto ha ottenuto tutti i pareri necessari ed è in corso di attuazione.

Office SIT - Toponymy Office


City of Salerno                  2009 - 2016

Commissioning body:     City of Salerno  

Position:                             Architect (permanent contract)                                                  

Preparation of maps and updated by the insertion of the projects;  Analysis of spatial data banks and cross checking with databases and registries; Design and preparation of the Municipal Street Plan; Drafting of the acts of P.A. (resolutions, determinations, certificates, place names, etc.); Relations with other organizations, institution and citizens

Other activities:

Collaboration for the drafting of the Municipal Town Planning Regulations;  Member of the Working Group on the Preliminary Design of the incinerator Plant in the Province of Salerno; Member of the Working Group for Preliminary Design of Social Housing Project;   Member of the Municipal Census Office for the fifteenth Census of Population and Housing

Urban Plan of Salerno 


City of Salerno         2000 - 2008  

Commissioning body:   City of Salerno  

Position:  Architect, member of the working group of the Office of

                   the Urban Plan in Salerno with Oriol Bohigas responsible

                   for drafting the City Urban Planning                                                    

Activities for preparation of the City Urban Plan; (survey activities in the municipal area; relations with other organizations and institution for the acquisition of data relating to the territory and population; analysis of the acquired data and testing hypotheses by crossing  databases and surveys on the territory; geo-referencing of data and preparation of thematic maps).

Activities for the Verification of compliance of the projects presented by individuals with the implementing rules of the PUC

Urban Planning of “Comparti edificatori” public spaces (streets, parking, green areas) and construction parameters of buildings.

Allotment for holiday villas.


Valledoria, Sassari   2004

Client:                   Private client

Position:              Architect (within a design team)                                                   


Construction of new roads and an area of green spaces included in the "program of urban and environmental renewal" of the hamlet Coperchia.


City of Pellezzano, Salerno   1999-2003

Commissioning body:  City of  Pellezzano

Position:          Architect (team leader)                                                   

From the conceptual design to the detailed design (drawings of framing and detail, estimate, work schedule, etc.).

Project co-ordinator of specialistic designs (structural project, plant design, lighting, landscape);

Construction Management and Accounting;

Site supervision;

Relations with the Public Administration

Construction of new

Belvedere (panoramic square)

of the hamlet Aiello


City of Baronissi, Salerno:  1999-2003  

Commissioning body:  City of Baronissi 

Position:          Architect within a design team

                           of three persons                                                    

From the conceptual design to the detailed design (drawings of framing and detail, estimate, work schedule, etc.)

Project co-ordinator of specialistic designs (structural engineer, plant design, lighting, landscape)

Construction Management and Accounting

Site supervision

Relations with the Public Administration

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